All the programs that are implemented by the “Healthy City” project include external professional (psychologists, doctors, pedagogues, defectologists, professors, social pedagogues, sociologists, kinesiologists …) who, in line with their specific education, through programs and projects, direct their skills and knowledge to the different targeted groups of citizens.

The role of the collaborative organizations of the Healthy City project of Poreč have also institutions / associations / organizations that are in different ways involved in improving the health of citizens and they collaborate with the projects by forming a social network of community support.

These are primarily the nurseries, the schools, the Istrian Health Centers – Poreč, the Social Welfare Center of Poreč, the Society of Invalid of Poreč, the Red Cross of Poreč and others.

The programs, activities and city projects include over 50 young volunteers – educated in “Healthy City” programs and citizens of Poreč who participate in thematic groups and in the “Healthy City” project.

Name and Surname Function in the program / project Relevant experience
Gordana Vorkapić Jugovac Professional associate of the Counseling Centers for children, youth and family programs, of the project office in the strategic planning segment for health Dipl. Psychologist, Formal Education of the Therapy of the Choice and Reality, Post-Certified Biennial Education of the Theory of the Choice and Therapy of the reality, Crisis Intervention Education, Systematic Family Therapy, Gestalt Therapy Basics, Debt Relief, Treatment of Individuals and Families in Relation to Personality Structure, Nonviolent Solution conflicts, education in the field of volunteering and volunteer education in the community, education in the program teams and evaluation in the project Community that cares for the Istrian County and the Faculty of the Education of the Rehabilitation, member of the City prevention and evaluation program team, Health City asssociate since 1993
Tihana Mikulčić Professional associate in the field of strategic health planning, assistant in programs for youth and family Social pedagogues, formal education of the Therapy of the Choice and Reality to the Certification, postgraduate course to the “Responsible Management and Management of Health – Managing and Managing Health in Local Governance and Self-Administration”, Preparatory Training in Group Analysis, Education about the Crisis Intervention, Education for volunteerism and community volunteer education, epidemiology, program and evaluation training in a project Community that cares of the Istrian County and the Faculty of the Education fot the Rehabilitation, members of city and county teams for health, family, mental health protection and addiction prevention, Healthy City asssociate since 1995.
Vilma Bednar Professional associate of the Counseling Center, dirigent of the program for the parentes To be a parent Dipl. Psychologist,education in the field of pedagogy and clinical psychology. She has attended further training sessions of PC and BT therapies, education on systemic family therapy, the basics of Gestalt therapy, individual and family treatment in relation to the structure of personality, 5 years asssociate of the Healthy City
Anđelko Botica Professional associate of the Counseling Center in the program for children, youth and family Dipl. Psychologist-professor, Gestalt psychotherapist with the certificate, formal education of cognitive-behavioral therapy of 1st and 2nd level towards the certificate, collaborator of the Healthy City Counseling Center since 2004
Antonija Mijatović Professional associate of the Counseling Center in programs for children, young people and the family in the program of the riduction of the physical weight Dipl. Psychologist, formal education of cognitive-behavioral therapy of 1st and 2nd level towards the certificate, multi-year experience in working with children, young people and parents in the role of school psychologist-professional collaborator, collaborator of the Healthy City since 2010
Alenka Krivičić Professional associate of the Counseling Center in the programs of work with children, young people and the family Dipl. Psychologist, current course of the formal education for the Gestalt therapy, and the specialization in clinical psychology, collaborator of the Healthy City since 2004
Mirjana Smodek Professional associate:- of the Counseling Center in the program for children, youth and family and disabled people
– Therapuetic communities for the treatment of drug addicts
Dipl. Defectologist, psychotherapist of the analytical school / group therapist and group analysis educator of the Institute for the group analysis of the Rijeka / Zagreb, education in the field of children’s psychopathology, systematic family therapies, crisis interventions, Losses and mourning, Treatment of individuals and families in relation to the structure of personality, education in the field of alcoholism, collaborator of the Healthy City since 1998
Branka Kalčić Professional associate of the Counseling Center in programs for disabled people Prof. sociology, consultant of the analytical school, education iz Systematic family therapies, Crisis interventions, Losses and mourning, Treatment of individuals and families in relation to the structure of personality and other numerous educations, Professional collaborator of the Healthy City since 2000
Suzana Uzelac Professional associate in group programs for children and young people Prof. pedagogy, formal education in Theory of choice and Therapy of reality, Systematic family therapies, Fundamental principles of Gestalt therapy, Non-violent resolution of conflicts, treatment of children in relation to the structure of personality, collaborator of the Healthy City since 1993
Snježana Tičak Balaž Professional associate in group programs for children and young people Prof. pedagogy, formal education iz Choice theory and Therapy of reality, Systematic family therapies, Fundamental principles of Gestalt therapy, Non-violent conflict resolution, treatment of children in relation to the structure of personality, collaborator of the Healthy City since 1994
Ada Komen Čorić Professional associate of the Counseling Center in the program of the preparation of pregnant women for childbirth Doctor, specialist in family medicine, professional collaborator of the Healthy City since 1998
Lina Štefanić Professional associate of the Counseling Center in the preparation programs of pregnant women for childbirth, of the gynecological Counseling Center for young people, of the Menopauza Counseling Center Doctor, gynecology specialist, member of the European Association of Doctors for Menopauza, Professional collaborator of the Healthy City since 1995
Nives Perhat Associate in Pregnancy Preparation Course of our institution, Course Leader in Pula Hospital Medical nurse, midwife in General Hospital Pula, Department of Maternity
Prim. mr. sc. Nino Basanić Professional associate :- of the project office in the strategic health planning segment,
– of the Counseling Center in programs for adults and the elderly
– of the Center for advice on eating disorders
– of the Center for Drug Addicts
Doctor, general medicine specialist, formal education in Theory of choice and Therapy of reality up to the certificate, education in crisis, loss and mourning, acute treatment of addicts, education in the field of proper nutrition and eating disorders, conceptual initiator and promoter of the Healthy City project World Health Organization for Poreč since 1986. godine, first coordinator of the Healthy City project in Poreč
Ante Ivančić Dirigent of the Outpatient Treatment Center for Addiction Doctor of generic medicine, formal education in choice theory and reality therapy towards the certificate, many years experience in working with drug addicts and their families, numerous education in the treatment and prevention of drug addiction, member of the city and regional teams for treatment and prevention of drug addiction, experience in conducting opioid agonist therapy, collaborator of the Healthy City since 1993
Darinka Jurcan Professional associate in the team of the Center for the outpatient treatment of drug addiction Senior nurse, 10-year experience in working with addicts, experience in epidemiological monitoring, recording and updating local, provincial and state forms for monitoring addicts.
Goran Vrus Expert assistant for the work in programs with children, youth and families in the weight reduction program Prof. dr. kinesiology, the conductor of the physical part of the program “Obesity – illness or choice” in the Healthy City, member of the Healthy City since 2016
Vedran Vrus Expert assistant for the work in programs with children, youth and families in the weight reduction program Kinesiologist, collaborator and manager of physical activities in the program to promote healthy choices and habits of life, cycling tour of the family “Hoditi i zdravi biti”, member of the Healthy City since 2010.
Zoran Jendrašić Professional associate in health recreational and educational programs for citizens Prof. kinesiology, in expert teams of the city and sports clubs as a coach, trainer, expert in the segment of strategic planning in the field of sports

In memoriam

Name and surname Function in the program / project Relevant experience
dr. Ivan Jovanović Expert assistant – host of the Therapeutic community for the outpatient treatment of alcohol addicts Doctor, specialist in general medicine with the post-graduate study on alcoholism and social psychiatry, many activities concerning alcoholism according to the model of the outpatient of the Hudolin school, 40 years of experience in the outpatient treatment of drug addicts and their families, member of the Healthy City from 1996 to 2016